Services List

Library Hub Building project
Library Hub building project, current stage in pictures.
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Chitakatira Primary School
Bold execution of clean energy is needed to adjust to hostile weather conditions. The health and wellbeing of people are adversely impacted by the lack of clean energy such as wood,
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Our vision
Safe, self-sustaining communities where vulnerable boys, girls and women reach their full potential and realize their rights.
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Our mission
To promote a safe friendly environment that encourages participation, survival, development and growth of vulnerable boys, girls, children with special needs and women through interventions that are community and family focused.
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What we do
We promote holistic and sustainable interventions for child development, child protection and women empowerment. Mwana Trust aims to help children realize their rights to education, clean water, good health, shelter and the rights of children with disabilities
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Core values
We promote holistic and sustainable interventions for child development, child protection and women empowerment. Mwana Trust aims to help children realize their rights to education, clean water, good health, shelter and the rights of children with disabilities
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Our goal
Advancing equal access, equity and progress to vulnerable boys, girls and women through innovative, safe and diverse quality interventions that empower and influence social change.
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Who we serve
Target Group ・ Orphan and Vulnerable Children between 0-17 years ・ Children with special needs ・ Children living in border areas ・ Caregivers especially the elderly ・ Women and girls
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home mwana
Munyarari Primary School
Child hunger remains a global problem and most families in rural areas simply cannot afford food. Other areas are not developed with safe roadways making food difficult to transport there
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How can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Consulting WP really helped us achieve our financial goals. The slick presentation along with fantastic readability ensures that our financial standing is stable.

Amanda Seyfried
Sales & Marketing, Alien Ltd.